I was getting ads yesterday but i am not getting ads today did everything already
Please don’t lock my thread before fixing the issue.
I was getting ads yesterday but i am not getting ads today did everything already
Please don’t lock my thread before fixing the issue.
From thread I linked in another reply
Further, you may see ads appearing regularly today, but tomorrow you may not see any – and that’s perfectly fine . In this situation, it really is a feature , not a bug . We appreciate everyone’s understanding of this distinction and implore you to keep this in mind before assuming that the feature simply “isn’t working”.
ok thanks maybe i get ads tomorrow
I am not getting ads today too ?
If you are on Android then do enable this setting.
Go to settings > scroll down : Brave Rewards > Enable the option which says “Show Ads when Brave is not in use”.
Enabling this option will show ads even if you are not using brave browser. Just make sure to keep Brave Browser in the background and lock it so system won’t clear it up while RAM boosting/refreshing.
Dude you’re not helpful i am on pc. I am not getting ads from yesterday I know everything i can do on my end but the issue is from brave end.
Ads frequency on pc is indeed slow even if you set 5 ads per hour. I spend almost half day on my pc researching stuff on the net using brave but I receive like 2 to 5 ads in that half day.
My earnings from pc is about 6 to 12 BAT per month but I earn more than 25 per month from phone.
Talking about yesterday I had gotten 3 ads. While writing this reply I got one ad.
Also why you guys think I don’t know how to use Google?
I have 4 phones each phone has Brave so per month I make 100+ easily.
i earned like 40BAT last month on my pc
That’s cool. Have been using brave since last two months still made only 27 on pc.
9 bats one month
This topic is not for “how much bat you’re earning or not” I need fix for my issue.
u can write on support brave team with details
Same. I earned a lot of BAT on my pc, but ever since this July payout everything just went south. I rarely ever receive ads, if at all, and I keep asking them why things just suddenly stopped, and I’m not getting any answers. Everything was perfect before July 5th. I don’t understand.
Same here
I don’t know what happened to brave
How any support email or something?
maybe try it https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
i tried Maybe they fix it asap
@Arkearn Don’t be to anxious about it, relax… some days we don’t receive ads… it happens to everyone… you will receive ads again… just give them time to fix it.