Newly opened Vertical tab should either add to the top, or scroll to the bottom

The vertical tabs feature is great for people who need to open and keep sorted many tabs.
one aspect of the horizontal tabs that is missing for the vertical tabs, is that when a link opens a new tap, it’s clearly visible that a new tab has opened.

with vertical tabs, all new tabs are opened at the bottom and the list does not automatically scroll down to show these new tabs. I don’t know if the link I clicked successfully opened or not.

to fix this, please have the vertical tab bar automatically scroll to the bottom when a new tab is opened to show that new tab on the list or have the option to have new tabs appear at the top and push older tabs down.


I agree with having an option to make new tabs open at the top of the list. This keeps the most recent tabs (i.e. those you are actively using) close to the back/forward buttons, which makes for a more efficient use of the mouse/touchpad.

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