New user to Brave & Rewards need info?

Hello there,

I am a new user in brave as well in crypto technology. I have a lil informations about crypto and stuff. But what I want to know excatly is that how Brave Rewards works or how it’s possible to start earning from Brave Rewards I’ve created my wallet applied to Rewards(Uphold also), if anyone could help me with some basic start-up advice I would totally appreciate :slight_smile:

All the bests!


@mustterziu dude check this post , here it’s all the info that you need.


Thanks for your reply, I cant see this article helpful. These are some random question 99% about publishers as I seen in commercials there are non-publishers who can earn just by viewing for example I dont have any youtube channel or webpage is there any way to earn? This was my question!


You have to wait for the new version of Brave web browser (it’s in beta still ); where you gain rewards for see ads, check here Beta version , test it :


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