New user, for 6-7 days, no Brave Ads yet

Hi everyone,

New user to Brave, big fan so far of the actual browser, been taking over as my main one for now.
Question: I have NOT received a pop up ad to earn $BAT just yet, is there a suggestion why that could be the case?? Haven’t changed any of the default settings apart from Script being allowed.
Would like to try this main feature so any ideas for fixing it are welcome.

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what country and @gsarvadnya this kind of complains are piling.

UK, also aware of the list of website that are part of the scheme.

I have you haven’t changed any Settings since you’ve installed, then thats why you’re not seeing ads. You’ll have to enable them in brave://Rewards:

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Obviously I did that, played around with what’s there as well. I think it was default on already anyway.
All rewards settings are on, 5 ads/hour, I can see my attention details as well. Notifications are also on, but no pop ups as of yet.
Been spending time on Guardian, WP, crypto sites and youtube channels part of the scheme.

I don’t know about “obviously”

Additionally, can you tell me what OS or Brave version you’re using?

I am in the UK too and I am able to received it. I think you just have to wait a couple more days see if they pop up.

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Brave Rewards on, was my default setting, hence why I said I haven’t changed default settings.

I’m using Version 0.64.76 of Brave and Mac with OS X El Capitan 10.11.6.
Do you reckon I need an update on the OS?

Thanks for the reply, will be using it moving forward for sure.

Guy, just wait 2-3 days and yoy will get your reward, trust me

I think an update wouldn’t hurt – although I’m not sure that this is the issue at hand. I’d try the debugging steps mentioned here to see if we can see whats happening under the hood:

i did that and nothing happened, i live in belgium

The steps ask for you to share the output in the console:


im using windows and when i followed the steps, i search for the “Notification not made” but it wasn’t write there

i got this in my chrome_debug.log :
128:7676:0520/] Unable to move the cache: 0
[128:7676:0520/] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\ShaderCache\GPUCache to C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\ShaderCache\old_GPUCache_000
[128:7676:0520/] Unable to create cache
[128:7676:0520/] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2

This may explain why you don’t get ads. The ads are limited to U.S., Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K…

We hope to expand our ads operations to other countries soon.

On another note, you should get this message in brave://rewards:

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thanks for the reply
okay i understand, but i dont have the message you’re talking about

after retrying a couple of the the debug ,ive got this now in my chrome_debug.log :

[2552:17556:0521/] Notification not made: No ads found in “technology & computing-software” category, trying again with “technology & computing” category
[2552:17556:0521/] Notification not made: No ads found in “technology & computing” category
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsBlurred for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[ RESPONSE - WalletPropertiesCallback ]

time: 1558395204
result: Success
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headers connection: keep-alive
headers content-encoding: gzip
headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
headers date: Mon, 20 May 2019 23:33:24 GMT
headers server: Cowboy
headers transfer-encoding: chunked
headers vary: accept-encoding
headers via: 1.1 vegur
headers x-rate-limit-limit: 60
headers x-rate-limit-remaining: 55
headers x-rate-limit-reset: 1558395207
[ RESPONSE - getGrantsCallback ]
time: 1558395204
result: Failure
response: {“statusCode”:404,“error”:“Not Found”,“message”:“promotion not available”}> headers cache-control: no-cache
headers connection: keep-alive
headers content-encoding: gzip
headers content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
headers date: Mon, 20 May 2019 23:33:24 GMT
headers server: Cowboy
headers transfer-encoding: chunked
headers vary: accept-encoding
headers via: 1.1 vegur
headers x-rate-limit-limit: 60
headers x-rate-limit-remaining: 59
headers x-rate-limit-reset: 1558395264
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsFocused for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsBlurred for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsFocused for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsFocused for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Site visited, not enough content to classify page
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[13860:16580:0521/] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsBlurred for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsFocused for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state
[2552:17556:0521/] TabUpdated.IsBlurred for tab id: 2 and url:
[2552:17556:0521/] TabClosed for tab id: 2
[2552:17556:0521/] Successfully saved client state

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