New user - BAT never received

Briefly describe your issue: A few days ago it said I was going to get the Aug payout…now I have a zero balance and the Aug statement is also blank. What happened? Where did it go?

Version 1.29.79 Chromium: 93.0.4577.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)

**Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)**yes

**What date did you verify your wallet?**yesterday

**Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?**first time

**Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)**no

**Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?**yes

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold?? I don’t have Uphold

what happens? when will someone from Brave get back to me? thank you very much -

does anyone ever answer on here? I am still waiting for Aug payout?

thank you

Same here. I haven’t received my September rewards which is around 2 BATs. No ‘claim’ button as it says in this forum. My balance has been reset to zero zero as well but no BAT came into my unverified wallet

OP, did you get your august rewards?

Nope - and no one gets back to me here - so strange -

you need to verify wallet

don’t we get to claim bat in native brave wallet if the wallet is not verified? there is no claim button nor the estimated amount of bat.

yes I believe you should be able to do that

Hi @MALags welcome to Community :smiley:

Apologies for not getting to your post soon enough. We are working through several issues at this time and it might get lost.
I appreciate your patience through this.

Can you confirm if you have updated to the latest version of Brave and able to connect your wallet to either Uphold/Gemini?

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Thank you - I have the latest version and am connected to Gemini.

Hi @MALags ,
Can you please DM me your Wallet ID (found at brave://rewards-internals)

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