New Profile magically created

I’ve been using Brave for a bit over 2 months now. Today I rebooted (Windows 10, fully updated) and Brave opened “empty”, asking me something about a profile. I have not looked into profiles at all prior to this…and certainly didn’t try to create one.

I have found that I now have 2 profiles. One with my username and a second named “Profile 1”, which is apparently what I’ve been using all along.


  1. Why do I suddenly have 2 profiles and need to choose between them?
  2. I think I’d like to get ride of the new, empty “Chris” profile, keep the old, possibly rename it and move it somewhere it will be backed up. Is this possible?


Hi @merrill77 , welcome to Community!

Although I cant explain why you have a second profile. I can help you delete/backup.

To remove:
If you click on the circular icon in the top right:
And then click on manage profiles - there you can remove the new profile. Hover over the profile icon > click on the kebab menu icon > remove profile.

To rename your profile go to brave://settings/manageProfile

For the back up:
The path should looks something like this:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data
Within the User Data folder, there will be a Default folder. That default folder contains all your info like history/extensions/etc. You can copy that folder somewhere safe and use it as a backup.

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