After using TEAMS, new profile, old profile gone, BAT gone

Hi there,

Been happily using BRAVE for a while, no issues until today. My daughter needs TEAMS for school now and so I installed it for her. That only worked after allowing all cookies. So TEAM finally works, but now BRAVE doesn’t. After rebooting the PC I can run BRAVE, but suddenly there is a new profile (for my daughter) there, while my old one is gone. And with it the BAT and so on. How do I reverse the process, so that I can get my old BRAVE profile including BAT back?



Hi @KrautHolg, welcome to Community!
Do you have a circular icon in the top right? If so click on that icon and you can navigate between profiles.

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My daughter’s new profile as well as profile 1 are still there. But not my old one…

Can you try navigating to Brave folder?
The path should look something like this:
Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data

Within that folder, do you see one folder called Default and two other folder’s called Profile ?
You could also send a screenshot of the folder, if you’d like.

I can see one folder called “Default” and another one called “Profile 1” as well as “Guest Profile” and many other folders. So, I guess I should look further in “Default”? Mysteriously my Brave Rewards have reappeared in Profile 1

So to confirm, when you click on the profiles icon, and navigate to profile 1, you see your stuff, correct?
And then there is another profile, that belongs to your daughter, correct?

Everything seems to be normal again without me doing anything. Thank you!

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