New download GUI and focus behavior

Description of the issue:
In last releases, Brave has changed the way a new download is shown (before it was a bar at the bottom of the screen, now we have a download indicator at the top right of the window).

I have two screens, and if I have a private one opened on the left screen, and a normal one on the right screen, if I download a file from the normal one on my right screen, I receive this popup on the left (private) browser. It changes the focus to this private window. So if I use the Ctrl+X shortcut to close the tab which is supposed to be active (where I downloaded my file), it closes the tab of my private browser instead.

Like this:


How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open a private browsing window on a screen
  2. Open a normal browsing window on another screen
  3. Download a file from the normal browsing window
  4. Use the Ctrl+X shotcut to close the normal browsing page
    → the closed window/tab is the private one

According to my tests, it doesn’t happen if I use 2 normal browing window. Only if one of them is private.

Expected result:
Keep the focus on the website where I downloaded the file from (so the Ctrl+X shortcut close the last active window).

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.51.118 Chromium: 113.0.5672.126 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

Additional Information:

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Video illustration (not a good quality due to dual screen, but easy to understand the behavior).

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Nobody? :frowning:
At least if someone can try to reproduce?

Thank you for reaching out.
I apologize but I’m not entirely clear on the behavior you’re describing. The first part of the behavior I do understand (I think) and on my end, cannot reproduce:

I have two screens, and if I have a private one opened on the left screen, and a normal one on the right screen, if I download a file from the normal one on my right screen, I receive this popup on the left (private) browser. It changes the focus to this private window.

I’m not sure what role the Ctrl + X shortcut plays here — can you elaborate for me (additionally, the shortcut to close a tab is Ctrl + W by default. Did you change the shortcut for this in some way?)?

The download issue itself seems to be the main problem here — if you download a file in a normal window, it should download in that window. If you download a file in a Private window, it should download in that Window. On my end, when I test this, I do not see the download appear in the Private window — the download starts in the normal window as expected.

Yes sorry, the shortcut is CTRL+W, just a typo.

Did you checked the video record? On my side if I start the download from a normal window while a private window is displayed on another screen, the download popup is shown on the private one, and the focus is made here, so if I use the Ctrl+W shortcut, it closes the private window while I was on the normal one.

But it seems that after today’s update (v1.52.117), I no longer have the issue. I’ll try some scenarios and get back here if needed.

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Glad to hear it. I will leave this issue open for now, please let me know if the issue occurs again.

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