My Friend gets 3 BAT per month, and i get only 1 BAT per month

I used to get 2 BAT per month now i barely get 1 BAT per month, my friend on the other hand gets 3 BAT per month. We both have the same browsing time, the same brave ad settings, sponsored ads are on, both stay in the same geographical location and still my friend earns more compared to me?

Is there a particular reason why i don’t get enough bat compared to my friends?

He might be abusing the New Tab ads.

Basically if you refresh the new tab 12-14 times after every 1 hour, it will give you 0.040 BATs or something like that.

Just guessing though.

Nah, usuage is same tbh, we both don’t abuse the New tabs xD

Hola. Por lo que veo de tu problema, obtuviste 1 BAT por la verificasiòn de seguridad, debo indicarte que debes de esperar al plazo permitido para su verificación, los otros 2 BATs dalos por perdidos, casi no se generan, ya que aceptaste el BAT de verificación.

Espero haber aclarado tu duda.

Hello @OscarO , unfortunately i don’t know spanish…

Hi there. @Thepetapixl
From what I see of your problem, you obtained 1 BAT for the security verification, I must tell you that you must wait for the period allowed for verification, the other 2 BATs consider them lost, they are almost not generated, since you accepted the verification BAT .

I hope I have clarified your doubt.

i didn’t do any security verification, i earned 1 Bat overall, same with my friend

You have a screenshot of the 3 BATs, to know the Brave rewards configuration. On occasions they are presented with the use and visits of the acquired ads.

Unfortunately i don’t have a screenshot, but the configurations are the same

The time to wait for resolutions has passed, sorry friend.

It depends on device and also some other settings.

@OscarO What on earth are you talking about?

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