I stopped getting BAT

Hello, I started using brave a few days ago and I noticed I no longer get rewarded for clicking on ads, I´m stuck on 0.220 BAT since this morning and I have set up to 5 ads an hour and rewards active, I have all my setting the same as when I was getting rewarded. please help


I have the same issue. Estimated earnings shown at dashboard are 0.35 BAT, meanwhile in settings they’re only 0.020 ВАТ. I still recieve ads (including those on my smartphone, where rewards are disabled) without getting BAT.


I have the same problem and I already updated my brave, and it remains the same

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I downloaded brave for my smartphone too and this problem came after that, is it the same for you as well?

Amigos yo tengo días reclamando y lo que me dijeron fue que deje de publicar que lo que publico es spam y no ayudo a la comunidad.

les pregunto que podemos esperar si responden eso?

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Si es un problema que tenemos muchos creo que eventualmente lo van a solucionar, solo hay que ser pacientes

con esas respuestas que me dan de que publico solamente spam

y no pagando abril, quitando BAT y no aumentando dudo que solucionen

pero bueno esperemos a ver


Sean pacientes en este día se me han colocado los bats en 0, reducido y todo eso pero siempre vuelve a la normalidad

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vea, lo dije y lo sostengo, y por si no lo notaste vengo y lo reitero, yo no soy miembro del equipo de brave browser ni ninguno de los “community ninja”. así que no andes diciendo eso como si te lo hubiera dicho alguien relevante… que andas es creando malentendidos como niño chiquito

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pasa muy seguido? a mi me molesta igual porque hoy por todo el dia no pude ganar BAT

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yo no estoy diciendo nada malo solo di a conocer mis molestias y no entiendo si dices que no trabajas con brave porque los defiendes tanto sabiendo que no soy el único usuario con las queja


I stopped receiving BAT too. It’s been about a month for me - nothing. Still getting and viewing ads though…


Bat rewards worked today but it stopped again.
Las recompensas de BAT funcionaron hoy pero ya no funcionan.

Yes, hope this fix soon,but 2 days with interruptions in the system is really bad, if they dont fix this soon brave and BAT will lose clients

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Weirdly, this is happening to people who have time in the platform, because I downloaded beta in which I had a new profile, and I can get BAT

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should I change to beta till this is fixed?

Nah, I just got fhe first BATs, Now is the same trouble there


IDK, if we should name here every suggestion that we tried. But if it’s not the users’ fault, SAY SO.

P.S. bump
P. P. S. Anyway, I love this browser, and will support it, so I hope for an honest answer.

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The only thing that I have noticed that can cause the browser to stop showing ads or showing but not paying is the use of vpn, because it doesn’t allow the browser to load the ads catalog correctly/confirm the view of the ad against the ads server

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Having your wallet flagged can cause this as well