My account is under review

Today I am 1 month of the suspension of my account and I am still waiting to see what happens if I am finally unblocked or will continue to be suspended

Hoy tengo 1 mes de la suspensión de mi cuenta y todavía estoy esperando a ver qué pasa si finalmente me desbloquean o seguiré suspendido.

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Cc @Asad to see if he can help


@asad Please help us! :blush:

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Wrote back to everyone in the thread (so far).


necesito saber por q me suspendieron mi cuenta, esta era mi segunda vez que trabajaba brave y de pronto hoy me sale este aviso, quisiera sber por q y hasta cuando me detendran los bat :frowning:

me too have this problem… @Asad

son demasiado baneos


.my account has suspended too, my request is #10369.

please tell me, and answer me in email. @Asad


Por favor ayuda yo tengo el mismo problema me acaban de suspenden la cuenta, justamente cuando voy a cobrar, ya mas de un mes apoyando el proyecto para que me suspendan la cuenta es injusto, y ni me dan una razón

Por favor pido que me revisen mi cuenta, para ver que pasa por favor

Mi Su solicitud es (10329)

Mi correo electrónico: [email protected]

Por favor ayuda

Buenas noches mi cuenta esta en revision esta es mi solicitud 10429 por favor necesito ayuda @Asad

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Please help I have the same problem I just suspended the account, just when I’m going to charge, more than a month supporting the project to suspend my account is unfair, and do not give me a reason

Please ask me to check my account, to see what happens please

My request is (10329)

My email: [email protected]

Please help

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I want to clear up the problem
1st: I fully comply with BRAVE rules
2nd: I promote brave to my friends and students in my university!
Tuesday: In recent months, I have introduced my friends and have no problems with my account
4th: about the monthly payment amount I have seen many problems such as wrong plans, tips not getting enough …
5th: I watched the brave very long, I see the brave company near the community groups have a lot of reflection on the brave company, brave recently there are a lot of things reflected by the community like fraud, also A lot of other things, I do not rest, I have a case like those people
look forward to brave review, avoid losing my time because of things not worth it!
review # 10436

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es enserio ??? cuenta bajo revision¡¡¡¡ uno mas a la fila de espera …
por favor solucionen su problema ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ @Asad request 10402

gmail: [email protected]

son demasiadas en revision


es verdad deben tomar una solucion a todo esto ¡¡¡ tan bien que va el proyecto y ahora se complican con la cantidad de revisiones ¡¡¡ si por lo menos fuesen rapidos …


Good evening, my account was put in review and it was already the second time working with you, please if you could help in this problem.


request: 10467

my account is: [email protected]

take measures in this regard

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Yes, it seems to me that it’s massively, maybe they are trying to deceive us, they just don’t want to pay our prospecting

se pasaron de reviciones

Help me with the exact same problem here is my mail [email protected]