Account Is Under Review

My account is Under Review. I dont know why or what happen. Please what should I do to get access to my account. I emailed [email protected]. But I dont receive answer. @asad please can you help me

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I have the same Problem please help me @asad .Thank you in advance


Wrote back to both of you via our ticketing system-- please check your email spam folders! We’ll have to continue the conversation over email.

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I also have this problem! At first there was an inscription that they would pay on January 8 (I waited almost a month), then they wrote on February 8, then they blocked it altogether. They wrote that the automatic system blocked, how and why they cannot report. They are trying to figure out the cause. I do not hope for BAT.

The same question, how and what controls the automatic system? What data does it collect? It is stated that even Brave is anonymous and does not know what actions users are doing!

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I also have this problem. When try to login on brave publisher account see mesage:

Your Account is Under Review

I have more then 900+ referals @asad please help

Done. Thank you so much

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