Multiple brave browsers

I have multiple browsers, Android, iOS, osx, windows… how do I get them all into one uphold wallet? Do I need to tip to myself?


With Windows and Mac you can you backup and restore codes, go to your wallet settings, click on the gear, and go to backup on one device, and then do the same except restore on the other device(s). Mobile doesn’t have a Backup or Restore function yet though, so were all still waiting on that.

Then they all share the same Wallet? And how do i get them into the Uphold Wallet? How do i link brave with uphold?

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Yes, then they all share the same wallet.

However at the moment you can’t transfer your BAT from your wallet to Uphold directly to be transferred into any other currency, they are working to fix that though, right now the only way to get BAT directly into your uphold account to be converted is if your a creator, then you can go to Brave’s Creators Page and transfer funds you get from other to other currencies but you still won’t be able to transfer BAT you get from watching ads into anything.

Dont tip yourself, your acc will suspended. Reading rule please!

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