My BAT Rewards for November 2021 are completely missing. I had 3.5 BAT earned in rewards from viewing ads in total. When I clicked the Brave Rewards Widget in the search bar on the browser yesterday, there was a small pop-up box inside of it that stated that I had 3.5 BAT pending. However, as I opened the widget today, not only was my Balance reset to 0 BAT, but the pop-up was missing too! It is as if Brave is pretending that I never earned BAT in the first place!
I initially withheld my panic, because I could simply click “View Statement” inside the Brave Rewards setting and search up my reward earnings for November 2021. However, upon doing this, Brave reported that I earned 0 BAT in total across all earning methods! I truly do not know what to do, nor what happened, and am in a beseeching need of help.
Note: I have not verified a wallet with Gemini or Uphold yet. I’m not sure if that would cause a problem. I figure that my in-browser Brave Wallet would at least say 3.5 BAT in total, but that has not happened either.