Mobile browser disconnected Uphold wallet and won't allow it to reauthorize

I have used the brave browser on both mobile and pc for a while, both are connected to the same wallet. Ever since a few weeks ago my mobile browser just disconnected itself from the Uphold wallet and upon trying to reconnect it just says something went wrong. I’m supposed to get around 2 bat from my mobile browser soon but don’t see a claim button either, does anyone know what is wrong? I have no bat in my Uphold wallet but I do have euros, I believe that new accounts need 2 bat but my account is far from new… the pc side of things is still connected properly.

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I am having the exact same problem. i cant reauthorize using my mobile phone but the pc one works fine. i tried uninstalling uphold app from my mobile and try logging in through web browser but it still wouldnt log in. Did you get any solutions ?

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i had a similar problem but the other way round. have you tried cleaning cookies and cache on your phone? once i did that on my pc it fixed this error, but discovered another where my brave profile was flagged and brave didnt allow me to authenticate with any custodian (uphold or gemini).

i believe this to also be a bug, and would demonstrate why people have been having problems with brave rewards all year - mass false flags causing problems. try it out and see what results you get, since i’m not necessarily sure just reinstalling the app would clean the cookies. it’s very inconvenient, having to sign into everything again, but might get you closer to a resolution :slight_smile:


I did what you said and now it says that my wallet is verified again on mobile, thank you :slightly_smiling_face: hopefuy the promised bat from last month will still make it into my wallet now.

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For me deleting the app and using the browser to authorize did the trick, I don’t know of any other possible solutions sorry. Hopefully someone else can help you out :slightly_smiling_face:

Uninstalling and using the browser to authorize ended up working, not sure how I would delete cookies, do you mean browser cookies? Maybe that works for the people where deleting app and using browser didn’t work :thinking: always worth a shot ^^


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