Hi Guys, i believe there is a bug with my referral codes…My recent promotions had 0 impact which is impossible considering how big the number of views is and since i did nice integrations. Usually i get minimum 200,300 downloads from 1 intro, now i got 0 from 2 integrations.
Here are the Videos in which i promoted Brave recently:
Please let me know how we can solve this, if you can retrieve data, because my Dashboard doesnt show anything from those dates.
Hello @onel4play. There are to many claims about lack of data at the dashboard of the publisher/creator account. The team is investigating. Me myself have problems too with those data. Hope that everything will be clear soon.
I dont know what fix you guys pushed on Saturday, but i have 0 downloads/installs from 4th March which is impossible, since i had many people confirm on my community tab that they installed and are using Brave. They actually enjoy it. I was expecting hundreds of downalods considering videos got over 80.000 views in total, but worst case scenario at least 100 downlods from the intros…now i have a big fat 0
Can you give us an update on the current state of the tracking? I believe i received some installs, but it still feels a bit off, since my downloads are back to 0 for last 5 days, in which i posted 2 more integrations that did each 30.000+ views.