Brave Rewards creators - Referral Stats

what happened to the referral stats? yesterday I had problems logging in, today it works again but my referrals decreased to zero for october. in september I had 24 downloads and 9 installs, now only 3 left!?

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This one :point_up: it’s only showing the stat for October. IIRC you can click the month to select previous months.

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Having the same problem here, my page analitics tell me I had 180 hits on the referal since today (first of october) but my referal stats also tell me all zeros (downloads/installs/confirmed). The page says it was updated 1 hour ago so the stats should be new. Is there any news on a delay/bug going on? Thanks in advance for all help :slight_smile:

haha omg… you are right. I simply didnt realize that we have already the first of october today and a new month started… :smiley: Everythings fine and correct :+1:

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