Hello. I have joined as publishers 3 months ago. I usually get 3-5 downloads for 1 install (in my case).
But yesterday I just verified a new channel and promoted with the new link referral. After a day of promotion, I had 41 downloads with only 1 install.
I think something wrong happen.
Please help me check this issue.
Thank you
Hi @tonyw8,
This is a known issue. You can see this post for more info - Brave dont pay for confirmed referrals! Why?
Hope this issue will be fixed quickly
hi ,did the issue solved? I ask to admin to check if the download from the app is view like install cause a friend of mine download it from its iphone and it didn’t say install in my stats. Just notice that
10% installs will be nice to me… for me it’s only 1%
I really hope that I didn’t lose any install and this is just a delay… it’s taking forever to update.
I’m pretty sure I have more installs than that… specially because users are giving reviews.
dont use this garbage you have no custody of these trash tokens and they decide if they payout or not chrome has the same features just download the extension
Hi @issa,
The team is still working to resolve this issue. Thank you for you patience!
The same here, I hope it’s only delay too, we would be grateful for confirmation that we haven’t lost this downloads @steeven
Best Regards,
I hope so.
Look. Another day of promotion. So bad and sad. The same issue.
Yours is much better than mine!
Yesterday I’ve got just 1 install out the same no. of downloads from the day before
I don’t think they really track the installs. They seem to stay a consistent 10% of the downloads.
We have been testing with our active community and are incentivizing the install and activity inside the browser. We are very sure Brave is not tracking it correctly.
Oh. Your website is coinclaim.io. A huge crypto community. Your share will impact a lot to Brave and BAT. They will keep their word and fix this issue soon.
I am suffering from same issue.
My link: www.brave.com/ris794
I think it is not possible to incentivise users to download Brave (https://basicattentiontoken.org/publisher-terms-of-service/):
“Referral Reward if we determine in our discretion that the referral is not bona fide or you have engaged in any fraudulent or deceitful behavior, including directly or indirectly offering any person financial or other incentive to complete a Qualifying Referral or using your Referral Link in a confusing or misleading manner. Pursuant to Section 6 of these Terms, you are responsible for all taxes associated with your Referral Rewards.”
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