A few months ago I was poo-pooing y’all. I’d been using FF and Chrome (and Lynx, and IEeee!) for decades - they had warts but were reasonable. Because the Chromium engine is going everywhere I tried out Vivaldi and others (PM) but kept going back to Chrome, or surprisingly enough, Brave.
After using Brave mostly for a month (after doing add-ins), it’s been working great and I’ve started moving everything over on it w/o problems. I’m using it with Chrome Plug-ins:
- Lastpass
- Chrono Download Manager
- UBloock Origin in Advanced mode - https://youtu.be/2lisQQmWQkY?t=8s
- NoScript (I tried the native script-block, but )
- Enchanced Steam
- Dark Reader (white characters on a dark background, internet-wide, site-disable(-able?)
- Toby (home page replacement – VERY addictive as well over time, but still can’t create a backup.)
Everything works great. (some self-inflicted NoScript/UBlock overrides to add) I especially liked here the lines:
Loading a script from an edge-cache does not track … Brave aims to maintain a working Web, … We found that blocking certain third-party scripts broke many sites, so predicated on our cookie blocking and fingerprinting protection, we hardcoded some exceptions to ensure the best possible user experience.
That’s very time-intensive and IMO reasonable.
So just wanted to drop a line from a surprised user - thanks!