i had metamask on chrome browser, ewt tokens in it (not ewtB)
decided i would switch to brave browser for all the obvious reasons … private, bat, better
added metamask extension to my brave browser
figured i was okay to get rid of chrome, because i have metamask passwords and SEED
uninstalled chrome browser
ewt tokens not in brave mm … added as custom token … but EWTB came up, and 0 tokens
i now have …
Brave metamask account … new password … different address … SAME SEED
Chrome metamask account … different password … different address … SAME SEED
(because I re-installed Chrome and added metamask to see if could find tokens again)
problem because two different browsers?
problem because two different tokens … ewt and ewtb?
did my ewt tokens get changed into ewtb tokens somehow?
i can still see my tokens on the etherscan.io → they are ewtB ?!
i have both of the addresses and the SEED is the same for both
can i retrieve the tokens? or have i done something wrong?
this has the ewtB
thank you
Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
Would like to be able to have the EWT in one of my wallets - ie. I dont want to lose my tokens.
I feel like there is an easy way to retrieve them, but I dont know how to do it.
Version 1.35.100
Can provide additional information if some is needed. I dont know what to add.
In my earlier reply above, and at the topic where you first posted at Brave Community:
You will find members of Brave Support, to whom, you need to address your issues. I suggest that you make note of every Brave Support member, whom you find, anywhere here and over at GitHub (“https://github.com/brave/”).
When you write, here at the Brave Community, it will help you, them, and those of us who do read and try to learn, among many of the issues . . . for you to write in detail, being specific.
You did write in some detail, about some of your steps, but it will help us to know more about items, things, of your abbreviations.
For example: What are an “ewt” and an “ewtB” and a “SEED”?
In my original reply, here, to you, I have referred you to where you would find a member of Brave Support (Mattches). In addition to raising the question of, what version of Metamask, are you using?
Meanwhile, where you first posted, there are at least 2 more members of Brave Support (DouglasHDaniel) (brian).
Try to write formally, with structure; sentences begin with a Capital letter and end with a period. Make sure that paragraphs are not mashed together, nor very lengthy. That helps Brave Support - good writing has a better chance of getting their attention.
What may seem apparent to you, as something that “the right people” would know, here at the Brave Community, may leave other readers here, in the dust. Yet, a lot of people are here, trying to both learn, and help others; many are new posters with issues and Bug Reports.
The system, here, is not a traditional support service desk, where, what you raise as an issue or report as a bug, is picked up by “the service team.”
BTW, at your original post, back in January? There were references to info, re wallets, etc. There is a lot for you to study.
And usually, the troubleshooter is not a member of Brave Support, but, you – having studied here, and tried various steps/tests, and keeping detailed notes re your findings.
Understanding how Brave Support works via the Brave Community, takes time and a lot of study.
PS. When you write a Reply, begin your writing with a simple address to the person - as if writing a letter to somebody. That practice will make it easier for us to see, exactly to whom you have replied. Thanks.
GitHub is sort of a software foundry and machine shop, where Brave software gets worked on. The following GitHub web page may interest:
There is a column, over on the right-hand side of that web page, and in that column, “11 Participants” are shown. You will figure out, whom (among them) you also want to include in your list of Brave Support worthies.