March month's brave rewards received only 0.250 BAT

I received my March month’s brave rewards which was supposed to be 1.602 BAT but only received 0.250 BAT. Please fix this soon


You got everything month 0.25 bat or for only this time


Only this time, it seems many people are having same problem


THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!! Yesterday, my Brave Rewards homepage displayed by March BAT as being 2.00, and told me I had 91 days to claim it. I didn’t remember if I had hit claim before, or if the monthly BAT went right into my Verified Gemini Account, so I didn’t click the claim button last night, as I was gonna do more research into it this morning. But then when I opened up a new Brave tab, it said the same thing to me! The previous 2.00 of BAT that was available for me to claim with 91 days left was reduced down to .25BAT, with 90 days left to claim?! PLEASE ADVISE cuz I am extremely panicked as well!

facing the same thing here, was supposed to receive 2.50 BAT for the month of March but received 0.25 BAT instead, @steeven could you please advise what’s up? thank you in advance!


I’ve been experiencing the same problem!


I am supposed to get 3.4 bat on march 8th 2022 but still not received yet

And uphold account is showing that i got 0.4 bat form march ad earnings

We are actively working to ensure that each user receives the correct amount of BAT for the April payout. If you have received less BAT than expected this month, please note that payments to verified wallets and claims for unverified wallets will continue to process through next week. Thank you for your patience as we work to complete your payments.

To ensure that future payouts go more smoothly, we will be investing additional time and resources into improving tooling and communication around the payout process. We thank you for your patience and continued support of Brave Rewards.

Please follow this thread for further updates regarding April payments - Ads Payout Status Update.

Thank you for your patience!

facing the same thing here, was supposed to receive 3 BAT or something more for the month of March but received 0.25 BAT instead

I think the Glitch/problem have been solved and I received the remaining BATS
Thanks brave for solving the problem

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