Linking account from mobile to desktop browser

Please provide us with the following information. Note that most users will be redirected to our Premium support form for assistance with VPN issues, as providing support may involve sharing sensitive information that should not be made public.

Type of device (Desktop, iPhone/iPad, Android phone, etc.):
Android MIUI 14 and MacBook Monterey 12.7.6

Brave version:
1.68.137 on Android and 1.68.141 on Mac

Detailed description of the behavior:
I’m logged on Android with VPN active, I need to link my desktop browser in order to activate the VPN on the desktop browser too. On VPN button I fill with my email (of course the same of Android) and get the link on my email, but when i click on the email i land on page that say “no active plans”.

@cucurbitamaxima did you link your Android to the account? When you activate on your Android, it just uses your Google Play account. It doesn’t save details to Brave Account. So if you’re then going to desktop and trying to sign in to the Brave Account, then you would have no active subscriptions…as you didn’t sign up for it that way.

To be clear, are you following instructions as provided at ?

it worked perfectly! Thank you very much @Saoiray !