I've lost my rewards

Hello guys. I’ve been using brave for maybe a week now, I just wanted to generate some crypto while browsing, but I have noticed that sometimes ads didn’t reward me and after that my rewards have been refreshed. I don’t understand whats wrong. I wasn’t planning to get rich by BAT, but it still sucks, I just want to know should I continue using brave or should I just drop it?

A scam, no other answer. I do not see any errors, the software is up to date, wallet connected and message “Payout In Progress” is showing from 5 months. Till now i have only received less than 5% from my earnings. I think that all this with BAT and Brave rewards is a scam. I am not the only one, who is not receiving, not receiving in full or “lost” the rewards. I will uninstall the browser and not use it ever again. I am thinking also about reporting the company to the EU authorities.

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