It's 8th Dec but where is my BAT earned on November? I did not receive it

Hello to Brave Support Team and Community.

Today is 9th of December, But I still didn’t received my earned BAT rewards on my Uphold wallet

My Uphold Account is Verified
So why I have not received my payout.?

Everytime I was receiving my earnings on 8th of the month and at 9th I was receiving 0.25 BAT more,
This time I received the 0.25 BAT Today But I did not received my earning rewards which was about 1.88 BAT

I was also checking the status on reward settings that was saying like your earnings will be processed in 8 days, mean 8th of the month, but now it’s 9th of the month and I did not received it.
Brave… Tell me why.? ? ?

Email:- [email protected]


I’m in the same situation as you.
The 3.525BAT for November is not sent to Uphold.
It is also not added to my Brave balance.
It was deposited in Uphold on the 5th of every month.
I would like to know the reason too.


Same issue. Any word on what the issue is?


I did not receive my BAT reward in the last 2 months

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Same issue here as well, not sure what is going on but I hope they make the deposits soon

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Same issue here. I’m using brave on two laptops and haven’t received BAT from any of them.

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I don’t mean to be rude, but did any of you see this huge banner when you accessed the site today?

now, in my experience, I used to get my payments to my Uphold account always in the latest days of the payment process, last month I received it on the second day, so what I’m trying to say is that there’s not any especific day that you should get your rewards.

as long as the payment process is active there’s nothing to worry
@jcrawford @V_williams @dauloi @plelino

@Malik_90, are those laptop’s wallets verified with a custodian account? – Uphold/Gemini

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I have an Unverified Wallet, but as of today (12/8) I haven’t gotten the claim button. Not on this computer anyway. I did get it on the other one and got my BATs.

Could the claim button still be coming?

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Same here. Not even the “Claim Button”

Yeah, we already saw the big banner up there, thank you ¬¬… but if we’re worried it’s because we don’t like the idea of being losing our moneys T_T

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I don’t know about you guys but I always wait for the banner to say rewards paid before I reported that mine never arrived. Because now, it’s still processing. I’ve been using brave since inception and never missed a month. Of course, set your installation and external wallet linking right.


Thanks you Friends for your comments. . .

well as I see the banner I think we should wait for a day or 2 days more.

Because if brave say that it takes days due to large amount of users, so we should trust and be confident about it for some more times.

Let’s see what Happens. . .


same problem also here BAT is missing ???


same here yet didnt recieve

It might clear up. I am pretty sure of it

Hello , i am in the same situation too, i only got 0,25 bat, they should be more that 3BAT this month, are they out or what?


Same here not at all recieved from mobile apk account

Same issue except payment of two of my laptops to a verified Gemini wallet. Desktop worked just fine. Just the laptops for some reason.

Same receive nothing on the 7 no claime bouton…

i have an unverified wallet for 2 laptops and still cant claim

Payouts are currently processing, so don’t be alarmed if you have not yet received your BAT from ads. Please see this thread for updates - Ads Payout Status Update.

If your wallet is unverified and you haven’t received a claim button please DM me your wallet ID.

Thank you for your patience!