Issue with File save location and file browsing for uploading

Description of the issue:
when I try to download a file I’m unable to do so nor can I use brave at all without having to close it using Task Manager. The “file location save” window does not display, but is seemingly there “in spirit” as I cannot click anything else in the window, change tabs or close brave by typical means. I do get the audible bell sound, alerting me that I have to click on the “active window” though it is not there. same thing seems to happen when clicking a “choose file” button to browse for a file to upload.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. right click an image.
  2. save image as
  3. stuck

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
can’t screenshot a window that isn’t displayed

Expected result:
“save as” window should appear on screen

Reproduces how often:
every time I attempt to download a file. have not always had this issue. not sure what could have changed to trigger it.

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
Windows 10 and brave ver 0.61.52

Additional Information:
un installing/ reinstalling would probably fix it, but I figured you guys might like to be aware of it and how to prevent it in the future.

Long Live Brave!!!

@billions Thanks for reporting. I have tried reproducing the issue on Windows 10 x64 with brave version 0.61.52. Issue is not reproducible. I am able to see Save As download popup when right click on image.

Are you seeing this issue on clean profile or upgraded profile?


On my personal profile.
I just tried browsing as guest and it did the same thing.

@billions Do you mean when you are browsing as Guest you are seeing this issue?


Happens as guest or on my regular profile. I think I’m just going to try reinstalling

I just reinstalled over the existing. kept all my addons, bookmarks and settings as well as fixed the file save issue.

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actually, never mind. it worked the first time but after that it went back to the same thing. and I can’t get windows to uninstall brave to start a fresh install. where is the program located so I can try to uninstall it manually?

@billions Please follow below steps to uninstall and install Brave

  1. Uninstall Brave versions from Control Panel
  2. Remove BraveSoftware folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware
  3. Remove BraveSoftware from AppData\Local\BraveSoftware
  4. Download and install brave

Revert back if it doesn’t work


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