Is there a way to ACTUALLY disable ai from brave search?

Problem 1: I disabled “Answer with AI”, but Brave search still has a button for answer with ai. Its annoying and distracting.

Problem 2: I disabled Code LLM. Code LLM still appears in my search results.

Also, I’m using firefox, so settings in the Brave browser are off-limits for me.

I switched from ddg to brave because of the ties to microsoft, but if theres no way to get rid of the AI annoyances, I’m switching back.

So the button is there but it does nothing if disabled. But I get that it doesn’t make much sense for the button to still show if it has been disabled. That said, this does seem to be just a cosmetic problem.

As for feedback, this is one place, but you’d probably be best to provide feedback and suggestions for Search using the Share Feedback button on Brave Search itself. That goes directly to the Search team


Are you sure? I just tested and if I have it off, then it doesn’t show. To test I used the search kill all processes related to port 80

With CodeLLM off:

With CodeLLM on:

Which then hitting Generate Answer looks like:

I’m assuming you just are seeing how they present information shared from places like Stack Exchange and are making the assumption it’s CodeLLM when it isn’t. In either case, definitely wanting to confirm what you’re seeing and whether it says the source is from CodeLLM.

I thought i remembered seeing it say “code llm”, but i tested it and it did dissapear

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