Ipad 10 brave shutdown and tabs lost

Hello, my brave shutdown just now and all of my tab have disappeared. The weird thing is that my history record in the settings can only be scrolled down to yesterday. I tried searching the cache so I could restore the previous tabs but not found. Can anybody know how to restore my tab too late to access?

My IPad ver IPadOS 18.0.1
I try to upgrade to BRAVE ver1.70 and reopen brave 5min ago. And my 10 tabs open within two hours all gone……

I think the data are save and I can restore the tabs?…

I use an Apple iPhone, and Brave Browser (iOS) takes up a lot of memory space - but that is normal for BBiOS.

I have Brave Browser (iOS) set up to run in “Private Browsing Only” mode. Shields up, except for cookies.

Let us say that I might have 3 Brave Browser (iOS) tabs running - 1 per each of 3 websites. I might “click” on the iPhone’s “main” button, in order to return to the general display of various app’s. I might run one of the other apps, or not . . .

And then return to Brave Browser (iOS), in order to look at one of the 3 tabs (ie one of the webpages).

Occasionally - randomly - all those tabs might be gone, not there! No explanation. I do not know why. It just happens.

I am accustomed to that and other Brave Browser mysteries - in general. “It just happens.”

I compensate, by routinely backing up the data that I can - especially bookmarks and passwords - to external drives.

With the same determination, that if I were an airline pilot, walking around the outside perimeter of my commercial airliner, inspecting “my aircraft,” I would make a point of actually inspecting. I would notice the condition of the doors and hatches, the tires, the parts and pieces that I could see.

In other words, to “fly” a computer, I train for when the computer might make a mistake, drop a wheel, bank too hard, suddenly run out of hydraulic fluid.

The airliner, the computer, I treat the same.

Therefore, when matters of “bookmarks” and “tabs” and “passwords” are raised, here at the Brave Community, I always, always recommend that users back up these important items.

I now, today, recommend that users create a “TABS” folder within their bookmarks collection, and store the Title and the URL Address for each important tab - store that as part of their bookmarks collection. And of course, be sure to routinely back up the bookmarks to a safe location that does not fail when, for example:

“I re-installed _____ , and I lost my bookmarks.”

Please, take steps to NOT LOSE bookmarks, passwords, and tabs. Your efforts will provide you some comfort, in the tossing and turning of the work.

IMHO (“in my humble opinion”).

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