Inaccurate rewards payout

Hey there,

This month I was expecting to receive ~18 BAT. However, after the payout date, I only received 11 BAT. I’m unsure if this is expected behavior and my rewards perm month are added together or if there was a payout mistake. Will someone clarify if the rewards are added together? I’d like to know if there was an actual mistake with this month’s payout. I’ve attached a screenshot of the month’s rewards and would appreciate any information possible. Thanks!


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Rewards are only calculated till the end of the month. So anything earned from ads after the end of the month is received in the next payment period.
hope its clarified have a nice day :slight_smile:

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This was clarified on December 4th with a payout date of the 5th but I still received 11 BAT. I’m not sure if that’s part of how the rewards are calculated or not. Currently, the payout for January is 20 BAT which doesn’t make complete sense to me. Do the past rewards add to each other providing the number that it is at currently?

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do you have a verified uphold wallet?
My estimated pending rewards show the full amount including the payout i received too. may have to wait till all payments to both verified and unverified accounts to complete and see.

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I do. I’ve taken a look at Uphold, but there is no pending balance… only 11 BAT in my account. I send what I gain each month to ETH, leaving my Uphold account with 0, which is why I expected 18 BAT according to the rewards settings.

Last month’s reward was 13 BAT, and I switched to Brave as my default browser at the beginning of the month, leading me to assume that more BAT would come in from November. Adding up the monthly payment doesn’t make sense either (13+18 > 21)

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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