I'm bailing out of Rewards

The debate overall is in your use of “biometric scanning.” Key word is I’m saying “debate” because there can be strong arguments on both sides of whether it fits under that. But what I will say is most, if not all places, require it to a point.

Such as if I go to a bank, I have to provide my ID and all, to which they look at the ID and then at me to see if I’m the same person. This is because they have a responsibility to make sure they aren’t opening fraudulent accounts and are abiding by laws.

I mean, should I be able to snap a picture of your passport/ID and create an account in your name with it? Do you expect them to open it and allow transactions without making an effort to prove who I am? That’s what is going on there.

I touch on a lot of areas where this is kind of mandated by governments at Why is KYC/AML required?.

That said, I do want to point out Brave has been looking into trying to get on chain BAT payments for a while. Supposedly we’re getting closer to that being a thing, with a current plan going through Legal. Supposedly if this occurs, they (Brave) will be able to offer the on chain payments without requiring KYC/AML.

I mean, legally might still have to KYC/AML somewhere to convert it to cash, but that would be on you and wherever you’re exchanging it. Brave just has been treading cautiously since inception to make sure they don’t walk over any major landmines in terms of laws and regulations.