Hello, I haven’t received any ads on any of my Apple and Windows devices in a month … I had set to receive a maximum of 5 ADS per hour, but now I am not getting any more. What happened? How do I resolve?
I have the latest browser update on all devices, and I also have sync enabled
We are supposed to see ads? lol
I haven’t seen a single ad since I have installed Brave… but I am like you, I have it set to 5 ads per hour as well and haven’t seen one come across since last year. I gave up trying to find a solution. Reinstalled, updated, etc… Nothing seemed to help resolve it.
Hi there ! The same for me as you guys. I always receive Ads these last monthsand since the begining of july, nothing…
How can we fix that “Support” ?
The same story after last update. Moreover, balance don’t synchs with uphold. Brave shows me that they are synchronized, but balance ZERO. And there is no new ads.
Looks like problem in update. please, FIX it.
Not only that is happening here too, but every troubleshooting available on the internet is failing miserably to solve the issue, so I am pretty confident it’s a problem in update.
I agree, problem in update, let’s see…we all are waiting for a BRAVE reaction…
I don’t think it’s an update problem …
I have done maybe 2 update in all my devices since I have installed Brave but nothing is changed.
There is also no system to synchronize browsers to get saved access to websites on iOs, Android, MacOS and Windows. Now there aren’t even ads anymore … I don’t think it’s worth continuing to use it.
Maybe go back to Google Chrome is the better way
Same for me in Mac since a week or so: there are days in which I receive few ads (in the entire day) and others nothing at all.
I’ve installed Brave since March and until now i received only 0,25 BAT (i was around MAY). I’ve installed also the beta version but still nothing. Since july i am also in another country but nothing change. not a single AD.
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