I just lost everything

Hi folks,

Couple of things - @Willy123 there are some known problems with estimated earnings. They are just that - an estimate. Sometimes the estimate is wrong because there is a bug (and we know about some edge cases and are working to fix). Any realized earnings should not be changing and that is what @Mattches is referring to

@tomosborn01 the path you’re going to be looking for is %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data. Inside here, your default profile is in the Default folder as called out above

Restoring from a backup definitely worth a shot :slightly_smiling_face: Ideally, you can just grab that profile folder from the backup. I’m not keen on what day the incident happened, but let us know. If you’re talking about restoring your ENTIRE computer from a backup - I’d leave it up to you. It may not be worth it, depending on how many BAT you had

One way to avoid this in the future would be to connect the wallet with Uphold (if available in your region). At that point, the BAT is transferred to an Uphold account that you can access without Brave. There are a lot of vocal folks who are not happy with Uphold and we are looking at implementing other “custodian” options. Stay tuned for those