I have 42 bat sitting in the browser. I have verified my uphold account but my browser keeps telling me to verify my account. How do I resolve this issue?
And what happened when you click “Verify Wallet” on your Rewards panel (3rd screenshot)? The expected behavior is it’ll connect to your Uphold account.
This happened to my father’s browser as well, resetting brave rewards was the only fix, wallet was immediately verifed afterwards, rewards were lost tho, just another annoying rewards bug, if I remember correctly clicking verify wallet would take you to your batless uphold account
My question not answered.
What happened when you click “Verify Wallet”?
This button will connect your local Rewards wallet to Uphold account. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034841711-What-is-a-verified-wallet-
I edited what happened)^
When I click on that it just brings me to my verified wallet.
It brings up this window and when I click on complete wallet verification it just brings me to my verified wallet.
I would prefer not to lose the bat I’ve earned. And it seems like a lot of people are having an issue linking their accounts.
Habeing no luck o on this web yet I continue to try and support best of luck
Any idea why I’m unable to deposit it to my account?
Apologize for late response @structdjm @Beels @Treesus
Looks like it’s a known issue >> Fix for BAT not porting to Uphold wallet - #5 by steeven
Hey thank you very much for replying I appreciate it and if there’s anything I can do to help I am glad to be here
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