I earned 4.067 bat in march month and till April 9 it was showing your 4.067 bat are on the way keep eye and when they arrived and I claimed it reduced to 0.250 . according to my friends brave usually do this its a pure scam and now I am even worried about my important data and passwords saved on brave browser it must be selling user data somewhere I noticed it because i was using brave heavily and got lots of brave ads and gathered 4.067 bat and now its just 0.250 i think we should leave brave asap .I will not be amazed if i got hacked because i installed brave imagine a big company doing this on face what it must be doing behind the back
and what it happened on my both device on other device i was having 1.4 something bat and there also i got only 0.250 bat and on my pc i just got pop up on claim that you got0.250 and yor total is now 4 because previosly i was having 3.750 bt it is not added into my acc yet it still says 3.750
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Same thing happened to me.
we should leave brave asap its pure scam it is taking your important credentials for just 0.250 bat