I’d be interested to know exactly how you’re measuring the load time. Additionally, there are many factors that may play into this, such as , Shields up vs Shields down will change he load time, caching enabled/disabled will have an effect, as will any extensions you have installed in the browser, whether or not you’re logged into google when testing, etc.
On my end, using the built in dev tools Network tab with Disable cache option enabled (so that the site is not being loaded from cache) I can see a 290ms load time in Brave (note that I performed this in a Guest profile in order to get as clean of an environment as I can):
Further, while these times do differ, they’re largely negligible as they all load in <1s. Lastly, if we were to truly measure these speeds as accurately as possible, we would test multiple websites and more importantly, test them all multiple times and take the average load time of each to get a more accurate representation of each browser.