I have the option “Upgrade connections to HTTPS” turned off, but the browser still keeps changing all http url’s to https. We have a good number of http only url’s internally that I’m not able to use from Brave. Is this a known problem?
I’m using Version 1.25.68 Chromium: 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Ubuntu Linux.
Thanks for the fast response. I tried your test and it behaves correctly. So now I’m wondering what’s different about our internal servers. When I open them in a private window they do not change from http to https. Is there some information I could read to find out what might be triggering Brave to try to convert them to https?
That’s really strange. All I can think of is that somehow the browser cached the (internal) redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. You could try clearing the browser cache.
In terms of server config, you could share the output of these commands for your server (using the correct URL instead of rowetel.com):