How to withdraw free 30 BAT from brave browser to uphold

hello,i need help getting the free BAT in my brave browser into my uphold account. i have them linked properly.

Iā€™m curious as well, can you only withdraw via uphold or will there be address withdraws and deposits (unless there already is)?

You can withdraw via Uphold only. :shushing_face:

when you arenā€™t 18 yet

you can ask your parents

I think Iā€™m behind the curve. I didnā€™t think you could withdraw. Iā€™ll go back to readingšŸ˜Š

yes, thatā€™s true. He can only donate to other

Iā€™m already poorā€¦ I need to make tokens before I can donate them

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not only you my friend ))) lol

Yes, Iā€™m awareā€¦ I know change is coming one day. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s peaceful, but the news Iā€™ve seen thinks otherwise.

@ultimatejiblo to make it more clear, you canā€™t withdrawal free BAT from BAT grants. Because itā€™s purpose is to help users try the Rewards system.

But in the future, you can withdrawal BAT that you earned by watching Brave Ads.

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thanks for the clarification. yā€™all smart making us think we was gon get BAT by installing the browser. all good though.

please help me, I donā€™t know how to withdraw BAT using my uphold

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At this time I think only publishers and verified users in certain regions of the world can withdrawā€¦ itā€™s not clear tho so who knows if it isnt or is and what the future holds

Please see our Help Center and/or other official resources for answers to common questions such as these.

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