I have 10 BAT displayed in the browser. Despite registering with Brave Creator and Uphold, the number of BATs is displayed only locally in the browser. How to transfer them to the wallet?
In chrome://rewards/ is 0 BAT, but on the browser desktop is 10.
If you have an ads earning on your Brave on desktop, you can verify your wallet and connect it to your Uphold account. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034841711-What-is-a-verified-wallet-
I cannot verify my wallet. Uphold is verified and they say nothing wrong on there end it’s Brave. Everytime I try to verify it just takes me to my log in page at Uphold and when I log in nothing.
I have tried on numerous occasions only to have the same thing happen. What to do? Now Uphold did tell me that my wallet was verified and ready to use with Brave but that was it. Still cannot verify my wallet.
So, after a few days and made a backup of wallet (don’t know if it mattered) finally i have some BATs in a wallet. So, if you don’t see any BATs for a month… wait another few days. Or more.
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