How to reactivate cosmetic filter popup?


Unfortunately, I checked the box to stop asking for the popup window of the cosmetic filter to be displayed.
Is there a way to reset it to zero to get the popup again?
If I have to edit a file in my Brave folder of home/user/.config/, no problem!
I’ve search in this folder but found nothing yet.




I’m actually not sure! I don’t think Ive ever encountered this before. Lemme ask around I’m sure I can find someone who knows what to do. Thanks for waiting :slight_smile:

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@Mattches, it’s solved. :bangbang::trumpet:

Don’t know why, after reopen Brave (v0.58.16) later, the popup reappears again, and the first popup didn’t have the check box but the second did have it, and now it’s good for all popup.
Weird? :confused::man_dancing:

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Very strange! keep an eye out for it, I’d like to know about this features reliability.

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