How to opt out of Ad Notifications

I don’t mind seeing an occasional Ad Banner here and there from time to time but I definitely don’t want to be disturbed by intrusive Ad Notifications, so how do I stop receiving these annoying notifications?

I’m starting to find Brendan Eich and Brave less trustworthy as time goes by! This entire ad system locking in users, advertisers and publishers to the Brave browser certainly isn’t the right way to go about it. The ad system should be open so as to give users the freedom to chose which browser they want to use. Locking in the various parties involved will eventually lead to fragmentation as other players (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) implement their own way to handle ads.

@Olivier Please disable or turn off the Ads switch in brave://rewards page to opt out of Ads Notifications.


@gsarvadnya Thank you, but doesn’t this block ALL ads (including website banner ads) and not just ad notifications?

@Olivier This will just stops showing Ads notification for brave ads, this will not impact website and banner ads.


I have tried disabling ads and opting out of rewards entirely and I still get the ad notifications.

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I have opted out of Brave Rewards as well, but seem to still be getting ads. Is there a way to stop this entirely? (This is only with regards to Brave ads shown in the bottom right corner of the browser)

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I’m having the same problem. I have rewards off and still get notifications. I tried toggling on and off to see if it would reset without any luck either.

Same problem. Brave Ads is disabled but ever once in a while some random add notification pop up which is really annoying even if I have disabled ads.