How to make Brave NEVER remember anything I type into a field?

Description of the issue: Brave will autofill fields on in the browser for things that I have previously typed (usernames, search inquiries, etc)
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. type in a search field like google
  2. the next time you click on that search field, whatever you typed will be an option to autofill

Expected result: I never, ever want this to happen

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.76.74

Additional Information: Heres a screenshot. In it, I WANT bitwarden to suggest saved passwords. I NEVER want Brave to offer up anything I’ve typed before.

I have ever setting that comes up with “autofill” in the brave settings search turned off and deleted yet behavior persists.

If you delete those entires entirely do you still see them suggested? You can do this individually by using the arrow keys to select the entry, then pressing Shift + Del to remove it or you can go to Settings --> History --> Delete browsing data and check the Autofill entries option to clear all this information out.

All of the auto fill entries in settings/history/delete browsing data are empty.

If i delete an entry the way you mentioned, it goes away. Until i type say, a username in the field. And then it’s always there again.