Am I being dense or is there no simple way to find other creators? I looked at but it wants me to login and my login doesn’t work.
Isn’t Creators a bit pointless if you can’t find each other?
@JustinTuijl Brave generally doesn’t have a resource just to find any and all Creators.
has been a volunteer run thing. It’s never required any login or anything, but I see it’s prompting when visiting. I don’t know if they are doing maintenance on it, if they might be stopping their project, or what?
In any case, typically you know if someone is a verified Creator based on your Rewards. For example, here on Brave Community you’ll notice a checkmark appearing on the icon, such as:
And clicking on that also shows:
So like if you went to my X (Twitter) account, you should see it. Then clicking to Send Contribution
will offer the methods they have used. For example, I have Uphold and Solana so it offers me both options to tip.
If a Creator is set up only for an exchange, such as Uphold, the tipping only allows users with Uphold to send tips. So having multiple methods, especially a Wallet connected, can help make sure people have better opportunities to send tips.
@Saoiray Thanks, yes, I have seen the Rewards tick (been using Brave for a very long time indeed) but, as I saw in another thread on the subject, finding other Creators (but for finding them o this community, would be very hard indeed.
Maybe I might start a list myself. Am a webdesigner, would be easy enough
TBH, it looks like they are “working on” a list of Creators, or at least, a way to search them. There is no way with the billions of websites you’d just happen to find ones by other Creators, and then happen to be using Brave.
Having now found a lot of other Creators via several places, I can see why Brave don’t want a list of them. It would have to be cherrypicked somewhat.
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