Question About Tipping/Showing Support With BAT Tips

how do i know who has a brave wallet to tip/show support?
i don’t want to waste any BAT tipping somebody who doesn’t have a wallet, is part of why i ask.

thank you for any feedback in advance

Whenever you’re on a web page, take a look at the BAT triangle in the search bar. If the triangle has a Blue tick mark over it, then the website has been connected to Brave creators that is to a wallet.
If you don’t see that tick mark then, it isn’t connected to a Brave creators account.

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@damroyalty Ok, so let me show you a few things.

  1. Easiest way to know if the site is a verified creator is to check the Rewards triangle, just as @SmartyAadi mentioned to you. If they are verified, it will have a checkmark as you see in the screenshot below. I also drew two blue arrows to point at it. If not verified, you’ll not see the little circle with a check mark as part of the triangle.

  1. The second thing to look at though is when you click on that Triangle. You’ll see where I drew a box around it and have two arrows pointing. What’s important to pay attention to is what’s listed here. The reason this is important to check is because you’ll see exactly who you are tipping. Sometimes the YouTube channel or Reddit person might be Verified, but something glitches and the tool will show the Creator as Reddit or YouTube instead of the particular Creator/User. People have accidentally sent BAT to YouTube or Reddit before when they meant to tip a friend or themselves. Then it took over 90 days for the BAT to return to them. So yeah, good to check this and make sure it shows Verified AND that it’s who you’re wanting to tip.

Question About Tipping_Showing Support With BAT - Brave Rewards _ Rewards Support - Brave Community - Brave 9_22_2022 8_21_36 PM

  1. The last thing to consider is what you see when you hit Send Tip. Let’s pretend you’re using Gemini. You go to tip me, who is on Uphold. Currently, Brave doesn’t allow to tip cross platform. So you’ll end up with a message like you see below. (though in this case, I’m viewing my own channel, so I shouldn’t see that…so I’ll be contacting Support to find out what’s going on! lol)

Anyway, you’ll see the little white box that says:

NOTE: This creator is currently not configured to receive tips from your Rewards custodial wallet service. Any tip you make will remain pending and retry automatically for 90 days. Learn more.

So those are the three things to look for when you go to tip.


On Reddit and Twitter, you’ll see the Rewards Triangle Stephen Ray (@Saoiray) _ Twitter - Brave 9_22_2022 10_43_09 PM on the bottom right of any comments/posts by the User. That won’t let you know if they are Verified but if you click on it, it will open what I showed you in #3. I’m just pointing this out as it’s the best way to make sure you’re tipping that particular person If you end up trying to tip on Reddit or Twitter.

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thank you so much! i sent a BAT tip through your reddit account for your insights & to test it out🙂

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Nice. Btw, did you check to see if it gave you the same error message as I showed in #3? Not sure how long it will take to show, but I know haven’t received yet. I did reach out to Steeven since mine was showing screwy like in that screenshot. So should be fixed and maybe receive later when he handles it.

Also, I’m on Uphold. So if you’re Gemini, it won’t let you tip me. Which means in 90 days it will go back to you. If you’re Unverified or on Uphold, I should eventually get whatever you send. :smile:

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i actually got the same message

& i am also linked with Uphold!

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