How do I find Unbiased news on brave?

I am searching for something, and All I get is CNN, Msnbc, AP news, NPR. etc.

I cannot find any links to unbias outlets!

Does Brave use google? I downloaded Brave hoping to get some kind of truth / Unbias news without opinions!

Version 1.66.115 Chromium: 125.0.6422.112 (Official Build) (64-bit)

64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


All of the search engines have some bias. You may need to hop around, especially when you’re searching a topic that is deemed controversial by the establishment.

However, at this point in time, I’ve found Yandex (Russia) to be the least biased.

You can also try AllSides and Ground News if you want to get different sides of stories.


As has been discussed 1000s of times, we are not biased. The results you’re seeing are a reflection of site ranking/popularity. More information on how Search works from one of our web developers @sampson here:

It sounds like what you want is to see only right-leaning news sources. You can do this using Goggles:

I am looking for news withOUT Reporter’s/ Journalists’ opinions in them.

Right or left. I am sick and tired of CNN, Msnbc, AP, Etc. putting their 2 cents in!

Just the facts is what I want!

I just checked out Googles, and tried a few, But It does not seem to be working right!


#Goggles is what I meant

Thanks, Looked into allsides, Looks like anyone can manipulate anything on that site!

Will check out Ground news! It is sad that we cannot just have reporters’/Journalists doing their job and just giving us the facts and not their opinions!


I am in same boat. Pretty much gave up reading news.

There is a handful of podcasts I listen too that spend their time mucking through the filth we call news and give me the facts. I have a very good BS meter, logic and reasoning, and haven’t found them to be one side or the other. Good luck in your search. But I think news is dead