How do I disable the context menu scrolling when I right-click (operating system used Windows 11)?!

How do I disable the context menu scrolling when I right-click, for example, to open a link (depending on the position of the link in the window) in another browser tab?!

Is it possible to disable this option via Brave flags, via regedit or via Windows power shell?!

I would like to see the entire context menu, without scrolling!

This scrolling is extremely unpleasant, irritating, and just gets in the way!

It is the positioning of the context menu that causes this problem, since in other positions the menu expands completely without any problem…

Look at the attached images, in one of them you can see the arrows at the top and bottom in the attached context menu, and in the other, the same menu fully expanded when clicked in another position in the window!

Collapsed context menu:
Captura de tela 2024-04-21 114114

Expanded context menu:
Captura de tela 2024-04-23 035301

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