HELP I wanted to send my money to another account but it gave me an error and now the money does not appear in the wallet

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue: After trying several times to send my money to another wallet, now I get the account without money (uscd coin)

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? no

What operating system are you using? Microsoft Windows 10 Home

Brave Version (check About Brave): 1.56.14 Chromium: 115.0.5790.114 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Additional Information: I had 30 usd coins deposited in that account and when I wanted to send them it told me that I had insufficient funds for the gas

Removed for scam attempt.

hello, now the 30 usdc coin appeared in my account again, a few hours ago it told me that the account was out of funds, it was not a scam attempt. I’ve been wanting to get my money out of the brave wallet for days and it won’t let me send it to another account due to “insufficient funds for gas” when I have funds left over to pay for gas please help me I just want to withdraw MY money

Hey @l_rui, the above reply from Jaspreet was the scam attempt not your post.

Do you know which network you bought USDC on? If it was on Ethereum Mainnet for example, you would also need some ETH value to pay for the gas for the transaction to send USDC.

the network is optimism, but I did not buy them through a brave wallet, I only deposited them in it

If you do not have any Ethereum on the same address as your USDC, you’ll need to deposit a small amount of ETH so you can send your USDC. This ETH will need to be on the Optimism network and not on Ethereum Mainnet or another chain.

Here’s some additional information on the gas fee requirement:

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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