Hello i got paid from november, but i didnt see brave token in my brave wallet

Hello i got paid from november but i didnt see in my brave wallet. https://imgur.com/a/fvKSfy5
https://imgur.com/a/OgFrSpJ Thank you for help

You wont see it in brave wallet. You will have to either make account on uphold or gemini and link it with brave to receive your BAT

But why ? when i have brave wallet ? So brave wallet is useless ?

That wallet is not connected to the brave rewards wallet

And how to i can connect ?

@pitrisin Right now it is not possible to connect Brave Rewards Wallet with Crypto wallet. To get you BAT into Crypto wallet, you will need to verify your rewards wallet with Uphold or Gemini and then transfer BATs from there to your Crypto wallet.

Bear in mind BAT being an Ethereum based ERC-20 token, it has very high transaction fee. And once in Crypto wallet, it would require additional Ethereum tokens to withdraw again.

Best is to wait for Solana integration (for faster low cost transaction s) into Brave and then try to move BATs to your Crypto wallet.

Thank you, so which wallet is now better, i just want only low cost fees transaction. And how long i must wait for solana integration ? Thank you for answer. I am beginner.

You can check here- https://brave.com/solana-partnership/

Hi, so if i got it. They will make it, in the first half of 2022 integration ?

Brave expects to complete integration by 1st half of 2022.

What do you mean?

That was miss click autocorrect on mobile sry. I want to say, if i understood it will works 1st half 2022 ?

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