unable to use google voice thru brave on my desktop now worked a few weeks ago, but it works perfectly thru reg chrome and firefox still
w10 64x
Hi @MrWolfRanger - have you added any new extensions in the last couple of week? Is auto-play shown as blocked in the URL bar? Thanks in advance.
nothing has been changed, all it does is dials, then when it connects no audio and hangs up after 10 seconds, but does not establish the call.
Can you also check and see if changing the Device Recognition
setting in the Shields panel to All Device Recognition allowed
resolves the issue?
i turned off all extentions and brave shields and did the device recogination also, nothing.
strange enough, it was due to Vpn Unlimited’s webRTCLeak protection, when that was on, you cant make calls, when its off, you can…go figure…
Excellent sleuthing – that’s good information to know, in the event that other users are experiencing the same issue.