I haven’t been able to determine why I have recently been having problems with Google Voice that I either never had before or were correctable by settings that now no longer correct them.
I’ve noticed the following on a troubleshooting webpage:
“Important: Google Voice calls on desktop are only supported on the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.” https://support.google.com/voice/answer/10063441?p=not-ringing&rd=1#troubleshoot&zippy=%2Cchrome%2Ctroubleshoot-calls-not-ringing%2Ccheck-your-internet-settings%2Ccheck-your-audio-devices%2Ccheck-your-computer-security-software
I am not using a “latest version” of Brave because my Mac OS (Mojave / 10.14.3) doesn’t support it. Is Brave’s compatibility with Google Voice dependent on using an updated version of Brave?