Google search results go crazy

Google search results change in a second. I do a search and it gives me the same results as Chrome would but in a second these change:
This is a Google search for vacuum cleaner in Chrome:

And this is the same search in Brave:

Why does that happen?
I’m using Brave 1.14.84 Chromium: 85.0.4183.121 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Hello @carlosnino

could you disable all extension and try again and see if it work or not

if it work try to enable all extension one by one till you get the one that cause the issue
and have a nice day

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I disabled all extensions and nothing changed so i switched back to the original Brave configuration and it worked. Now I’ll start setting up the browser and se when it fails again.
Thank you for your helo anyway!

glad it work and you very welcome :slight_smile:

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