Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
Use brave to open any web page
Expected result:
ads Brave Version( check About Brave):
1.67.134 Additional Information:
Every site I visit there are pop up ads and embadded ads everywhere. when looking at the brave shield it says it stopped 0 ads and trackers etc. And ive tried to make a post about this but it was auto hidden saying it was spam. or is it just brave hiding it?
@TheKrimsonKing if you go to brave://components are you able to update everything or does it show unable to update? This is especially in regards to things like Brave Ad Block Updater
every component that looked like it belonged to ad block says update error. so their last update broke something. i really hope i dont have to reinstall thats such a hassle.
From what’s been discovered, it’s not their update breaking things but instead is an issue somewhere relating to Windows (primarily) and admin privileges.
For example, if you were to launch Brave as administrator you’d see it works.
Running as admin did make it work. Unfortunately I am a registered admin user for brave so something got borked when the last update happened. Ill just use it in admin mode. and check next update to see if its fixed.
Thank you for your help.
Yeah, @TheKrimsonKing. It seems that the folder containing these lists is locked behind admin permissions, preventing it from updating. This seems to somehow differentiate itself compared to the rest of Brave, at least according to the theory shared by one of the users.
Have you tried any of the suggestions listed in the comments I linked to? Additionally, could you provide the details Clifton requested in the first link
I know it may take some effort, but trying these steps and sharing your feedback is crucial. One of the main reasons issues don’t get fixed quickly is the lack of feedback from users. Without detailed information, it’s challenging for developers to identify and resolve problems. Your input can make a big difference.
Actually, let me make this a bit easier for you and not necessarily push you to Github. The below is an AI summarized version of the instructions two different people gave. If you can check it out, and advise on how it goes, it would be helpful. Thanks!
Recommendation 1:
Troubleshooting Steps:
Check Installation Level:
System Level: Installed at %programfiles%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application (requires Admin permissions during install).
User Level: Installed at %LOCALAPPDATA%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application.
Verify Profile Directory:
Press Windows + R, enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\, and press Enter.
Right-click the User Data folder, select Properties, and go to the Security tab.
Check User Account Permissions:
Ensure your user account is listed in the Group or user names field.
If not listed, click Edit to add your user account.
Click Advanced and verify your user account is the OWNER.
If not, click Change, enter your user account, validate it, and click OK.
Check Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object and click Apply.
If Issue Persists:
Report back with details of the above steps and results for further assistance.
Recommendation 2:
Check Component Versions:
Open Terminal (Admin) and run: brave.exe --user-data-dir=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\TEMP.
This will display any component versions downloaded.
GUI Method:
Go to the Advanced Security Settings for the User Data folder (TEMP in the case of --user-data-dir=).
Disable inheritance and remove all inherited permissions, then enable inheritance again to apply proper permissions from %userprofile% for SYSTEM, Administrators, and Users.
CMD Method:
Open Terminal with admin rights and use: icacls "User Data" /t /reset (or TEMP or the relevant folder).
Alternatively, navigate to the user data directory and use: icacls * /t /reset to reset and apply proper inheritance.